You can send us a check or money order. Please let us know if you want your gift used for a specific purpose by indicating that purpose either in the memo line or in a letter accompanying the check or money order.
Make a gift using a check or money order made out to the Catholic Foundation of southwestern Michigan and mail to:
Catholic Foundation of Southwestern Michigan
215 N. Westnedge Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI. 49007-3760
Roll over all or a portion of your IRS’s required minimum distribution. If you are 70 1/2 or older, you can make a gift of up to $100,000 to establish an endowment or contribute to an existing fund.
Transfer securities to the Catholic Foundation of Southwest Michigan. The Foundation will liquidate your securities and deposit the assets into the fund of your choice or use to create a new fund.
If you have bonds, mutual funds or closely held stock, contact your financial advisor to discuss a possible gift to the Catholic Foundation of Southwestern Michigan. You can make a gift of securities in your will, or use them to create endowment funds, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trust and charitable lead trust. Please contact the Foundation for instructions.
We accept electronic checks online through our website.
We accept major credit cards online through our website.
Simply designate the Catholic Foundation of Southwestern Michigan as the beneficiary and specify if you would like to establish a new fund or contribute to an existing one.
Designate the Catholic Foundation of Southwestern Michigan as a beneficiary in your will. The following is sample bequest language attorneys may use in preparation of a will benefitting your fund with the Catholic Foundation of Southwestern Michigan:
“I/we the undersigned, give a percent or a dollar amount, of my/our estate to support the Catholic Foundation of Southwestern Michigan.”
This bequest is to be used to: